Is the suggestion that someone's problem is nothing a big black dildo won't fix really encouraging a threat of rape?
I won't attempt to answer that question, but meanwhile you can play with the big black dildo (click and drag).

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
Is the suggestion that someone's problem is nothing a big black dildo won't fix really encouraging a threat of rape?
Ha ha ha, that's brilliant!! :)
I bet that it's not the first time that has happened, either!
Shhhhhhhhh!! ;)
It is not a glasdildo :)
I went through and compiled the latest SVN, but the widgets did not appear as in your examples. However, I did get an error during configure saying that 'libhildon' could not be found. I'm using OS2008 and Maemo 4.0 under scratchbox. Thanks.
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